Saturday, February 29, 2020

10 Easy Ways of Helping Turtles Survive

10 Easy Ways of Helping Turtles Survive Sea turtles have lived on Earth for about 110 million years. However, due to human activity, 6 of the 7 sea turtle species- green, Kemp’s ridley, olive ridley, flatback, hawksbill, and leatherback- are now classified as endangered. The seventh species, the loggerhead, is classified as threatened (likely to become an endangered species in the near future). Organizations Dedicated to Helping Sea Turtles Contact the following organizations to donate, volunteer, and learn more about ways to help the sea turtles:Sea Turtle ConservancySEE TurtlesTurtle Island Restoration NetworkThe Ocean FoundationOceanic Society How to Help Sea Turtles Survive According to the Sea Turtle Conservancy and the World Wildlife Fund, sea turtles face threats from overharvesting and poaching, global warming, ocean pollution, and the encroachment of human activity on their nesting sites. Although targeting these problems may seem like an overwhelming task, there are specific actions you can take to ensure the survival of sea turtles. Baby hawksbill turtle after being rescued. Jereme Thaxton/Getty Images Source Your Seafood Responsibly Sea turtles often become the bycatch of irresponsible fishing methods. Educate yourself on how your seafood was caught and support organizations that advocate for the sustainable catching of seafood. The Monterey Bay Aquariums Seafood Watch website and app allow you to look up specific types of seafood and determine if they were responsibly sourced. In addition, organizations like Too Rare to Wear also have information on products that have been made from turtle shells, like jewelry and souvenirs, which are often sold to tourists in tropical regions. Get Rid of Pollution Sailors from the USS Thorn use bolt cutters and knives to free the only surviving sea turtle in a group of four found tangled in some long-ago discarded netting, July 10, 2001 in the Mediterranean Sea. U.S. Navy / Getty Images Help make beaches safe for turtles and other marine animals by participating in cleanups to help remove trash from the beach. Doing so will also stop more trash from entering the oceans, reducing the chances that a turtle may become trapped or eat it. Many local groups organize such cleanups year-round, or you can organize a beach clean-up day with some friends. Cleaning up the beach may also help make that locations habitable for turtles again. After a 2-year beach cleanup in Miami that removed over 11 million pounds of trash from the environment, olive ridley turtle hatchlings were spotted making their way from the nest to the ocean, which had not occurred in decades. Previously, the turtles had been able to lay eggs on the beach but could not maneuver in the trash. Replace Disposable Plastic With Reusable Items Plastic bag at sea. These can be dangerous to sea turtles who mistake them for food, such as jellyfish. _548901005677/Moment Open/Getty Images You can help prevent trash from ever entering the ocean in the first place by recycling and reducing the amount of trash that you create. For some items, consider using their reusable counterparts, like shopping bags and water bottles to reduce your chances of polluting the beach. Plastic bags are especially troublesome, as sea turtles can mistake them for their favorite snack: jellyfish. You can also avoid other single-use items, like balloons during a birthday beach bash, which will likely end up in the ocean where they will be eaten by turtles and other wildlife. Keep Beaches Dark at Night WWF volunteers coax released baby green turtles that were found at a nest site the day before, to the waters edge with lights at Acyatan Beach on August 23, 2018 in Adana, Turkey. Chris McGrath / Getty Images Nesting turtles and hatchlings use the moons natural lighting as a guide. Instinctively, they follow the brightest direction to find their way to the water, but if they are disoriented by artificial lighting, they may wander inland and die of dehydration or predation. Avoid all forms of artificial light while at the beach at night, including flashlights, flash photography, video cameras, and fires on nesting beaches. If you do need lighting, try to avoid directly illuminating the beach, using a shade to minimize the amount of light shining in the area. If staying at a beachfront property, be sure to turn off all lights at night. If you do see disoriented baby turtles at night, do not take it upon yourself to move the turtles. Contact a nature conservancy organization or local authorities. Be Careful When Boating and Fishing A moving boat can seriously injure or kill a turtle, so stay alert if you are boating in the ocean. If you spot sea turtles in the water, stay at least 50 yards away. If they are close to your boat, put your engine on neutral or turn it off until the turtles swim away. Change your fishing location if you spot sea turtles nearby or they show interest in your bait. And remember to collect all of your fishing gear and supplies once youre done, especially fishing line, hooks, and nets. Don’t Disturb the Turtles An NPS volunteer helps Kemps ridley sea turtle hatchlings reach the water at South Padre Island National Seashore. Who knew volunteering could be so adorable?.  © qnr via Flickr Never pick up a hatchling. Though it may be tempting, doing so may frighten or disorient them. If you do want to watch one, attend a sea turtle watch hosted by an organization, which would allow you to observe the sea turtles without disturbing them. Do not catch a baby turtle in an aquarium or bucket of water. This will use up the energy they need to swim to the ocean after they emerge from their nest. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Global warming can skew the gender ratios of sea turtles, as well as the distribution of predators and prey. Although climate change might seem like too big an issue to tackle, there are many steps you can personally take to reduce global warming. Adopt a Sea Turtle Support sea turtle conservation efforts by â€Å"adopting a sea turtle† or making a donation to a wildlife conservation program that monitors and helps satellite-tracked turtles. You can also â€Å"adopt a nest† during nesting season. Avoid Beach Activities at Night Try to avoid walking on the beach at night during the summer, as this may frighten nesting turtles back into the sea. To help make it easier for turtles to navigate the beach, you can also remove beach furniture and other equipment from the beach before the nighttime, as turtles may become caught in them or become disoriented. Help Spread Awareness There are many ways you can help make a positive change for sea turtles. One main way is through education. You can help educate your local neighborhood or school by giving presentations, and tell people about the cause during conversations. Sources â€Å"Adoption Programs.†,,â€Å"Endangered Ocean: Sea Turtles.† Ocean Today, National Ocean Service,â€Å"Information About Sea Turtles, Their Habitats and Threats to Their Survival.†, Sea Turtle Conservancy,â€Å"Ways to Help.† Ways to Help the Sea Turtles, Nova Southeastern University,â€Å"What Can You Do to Save Sea Turtles?† NOAA Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 6 June 2016,â€Å"What Is the Difference Between Endangered and Threatened?† Wolf - Western Great Lakes, U.S. Fish Wildlife Service, Mar. 2003,

10 Easy Ways of Helping Turtles Survive

10 Easy Ways of Helping Turtles Survive Sea turtles have lived on Earth for about 110 million years. However, due to human activity, 6 of the 7 sea turtle species- green, Kemp’s ridley, olive ridley, flatback, hawksbill, and leatherback- are now classified as endangered. The seventh species, the loggerhead, is classified as threatened (likely to become an endangered species in the near future). Organizations Dedicated to Helping Sea Turtles Contact the following organizations to donate, volunteer, and learn more about ways to help the sea turtles:Sea Turtle ConservancySEE TurtlesTurtle Island Restoration NetworkThe Ocean FoundationOceanic Society How to Help Sea Turtles Survive According to the Sea Turtle Conservancy and the World Wildlife Fund, sea turtles face threats from overharvesting and poaching, global warming, ocean pollution, and the encroachment of human activity on their nesting sites. Although targeting these problems may seem like an overwhelming task, there are specific actions you can take to ensure the survival of sea turtles. Baby hawksbill turtle after being rescued. Jereme Thaxton/Getty Images Source Your Seafood Responsibly Sea turtles often become the bycatch of irresponsible fishing methods. Educate yourself on how your seafood was caught and support organizations that advocate for the sustainable catching of seafood. The Monterey Bay Aquariums Seafood Watch website and app allow you to look up specific types of seafood and determine if they were responsibly sourced. In addition, organizations like Too Rare to Wear also have information on products that have been made from turtle shells, like jewelry and souvenirs, which are often sold to tourists in tropical regions. Get Rid of Pollution Sailors from the USS Thorn use bolt cutters and knives to free the only surviving sea turtle in a group of four found tangled in some long-ago discarded netting, July 10, 2001 in the Mediterranean Sea. U.S. Navy / Getty Images Help make beaches safe for turtles and other marine animals by participating in cleanups to help remove trash from the beach. Doing so will also stop more trash from entering the oceans, reducing the chances that a turtle may become trapped or eat it. Many local groups organize such cleanups year-round, or you can organize a beach clean-up day with some friends. Cleaning up the beach may also help make that locations habitable for turtles again. After a 2-year beach cleanup in Miami that removed over 11 million pounds of trash from the environment, olive ridley turtle hatchlings were spotted making their way from the nest to the ocean, which had not occurred in decades. Previously, the turtles had been able to lay eggs on the beach but could not maneuver in the trash. Replace Disposable Plastic With Reusable Items Plastic bag at sea. These can be dangerous to sea turtles who mistake them for food, such as jellyfish. _548901005677/Moment Open/Getty Images You can help prevent trash from ever entering the ocean in the first place by recycling and reducing the amount of trash that you create. For some items, consider using their reusable counterparts, like shopping bags and water bottles to reduce your chances of polluting the beach. Plastic bags are especially troublesome, as sea turtles can mistake them for their favorite snack: jellyfish. You can also avoid other single-use items, like balloons during a birthday beach bash, which will likely end up in the ocean where they will be eaten by turtles and other wildlife. Keep Beaches Dark at Night WWF volunteers coax released baby green turtles that were found at a nest site the day before, to the waters edge with lights at Acyatan Beach on August 23, 2018 in Adana, Turkey. Chris McGrath / Getty Images Nesting turtles and hatchlings use the moons natural lighting as a guide. Instinctively, they follow the brightest direction to find their way to the water, but if they are disoriented by artificial lighting, they may wander inland and die of dehydration or predation. Avoid all forms of artificial light while at the beach at night, including flashlights, flash photography, video cameras, and fires on nesting beaches. If you do need lighting, try to avoid directly illuminating the beach, using a shade to minimize the amount of light shining in the area. If staying at a beachfront property, be sure to turn off all lights at night. If you do see disoriented baby turtles at night, do not take it upon yourself to move the turtles. Contact a nature conservancy organization or local authorities. Be Careful When Boating and Fishing A moving boat can seriously injure or kill a turtle, so stay alert if you are boating in the ocean. If you spot sea turtles in the water, stay at least 50 yards away. If they are close to your boat, put your engine on neutral or turn it off until the turtles swim away. Change your fishing location if you spot sea turtles nearby or they show interest in your bait. And remember to collect all of your fishing gear and supplies once youre done, especially fishing line, hooks, and nets. Don’t Disturb the Turtles An NPS volunteer helps Kemps ridley sea turtle hatchlings reach the water at South Padre Island National Seashore. Who knew volunteering could be so adorable?.  © qnr via Flickr Never pick up a hatchling. Though it may be tempting, doing so may frighten or disorient them. If you do want to watch one, attend a sea turtle watch hosted by an organization, which would allow you to observe the sea turtles without disturbing them. Do not catch a baby turtle in an aquarium or bucket of water. This will use up the energy they need to swim to the ocean after they emerge from their nest. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Global warming can skew the gender ratios of sea turtles, as well as the distribution of predators and prey. Although climate change might seem like too big an issue to tackle, there are many steps you can personally take to reduce global warming. Adopt a Sea Turtle Support sea turtle conservation efforts by â€Å"adopting a sea turtle† or making a donation to a wildlife conservation program that monitors and helps satellite-tracked turtles. You can also â€Å"adopt a nest† during nesting season. Avoid Beach Activities at Night Try to avoid walking on the beach at night during the summer, as this may frighten nesting turtles back into the sea. To help make it easier for turtles to navigate the beach, you can also remove beach furniture and other equipment from the beach before the nighttime, as turtles may become caught in them or become disoriented. Help Spread Awareness There are many ways you can help make a positive change for sea turtles. One main way is through education. You can help educate your local neighborhood or school by giving presentations, and tell people about the cause during conversations. Sources â€Å"Adoption Programs.†,,â€Å"Endangered Ocean: Sea Turtles.† Ocean Today, National Ocean Service,â€Å"Information About Sea Turtles, Their Habitats and Threats to Their Survival.†, Sea Turtle Conservancy,â€Å"Ways to Help.† Ways to Help the Sea Turtles, Nova Southeastern University,â€Å"What Can You Do to Save Sea Turtles?† NOAA Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 6 June 2016,â€Å"What Is the Difference Between Endangered and Threatened?† Wolf - Western Great Lakes, U.S. Fish Wildlife Service, Mar. 2003,

10 Easy Ways of Helping Turtles Survive

10 Easy Ways of Helping Turtles Survive Sea turtles have lived on Earth for about 110 million years. However, due to human activity, 6 of the 7 sea turtle species- green, Kemp’s ridley, olive ridley, flatback, hawksbill, and leatherback- are now classified as endangered. The seventh species, the loggerhead, is classified as threatened (likely to become an endangered species in the near future). Organizations Dedicated to Helping Sea Turtles Contact the following organizations to donate, volunteer, and learn more about ways to help the sea turtles:Sea Turtle ConservancySEE TurtlesTurtle Island Restoration NetworkThe Ocean FoundationOceanic Society How to Help Sea Turtles Survive According to the Sea Turtle Conservancy and the World Wildlife Fund, sea turtles face threats from overharvesting and poaching, global warming, ocean pollution, and the encroachment of human activity on their nesting sites. Although targeting these problems may seem like an overwhelming task, there are specific actions you can take to ensure the survival of sea turtles. Baby hawksbill turtle after being rescued. Jereme Thaxton/Getty Images Source Your Seafood Responsibly Sea turtles often become the bycatch of irresponsible fishing methods. Educate yourself on how your seafood was caught and support organizations that advocate for the sustainable catching of seafood. The Monterey Bay Aquariums Seafood Watch website and app allow you to look up specific types of seafood and determine if they were responsibly sourced. In addition, organizations like Too Rare to Wear also have information on products that have been made from turtle shells, like jewelry and souvenirs, which are often sold to tourists in tropical regions. Get Rid of Pollution Sailors from the USS Thorn use bolt cutters and knives to free the only surviving sea turtle in a group of four found tangled in some long-ago discarded netting, July 10, 2001 in the Mediterranean Sea. U.S. Navy / Getty Images Help make beaches safe for turtles and other marine animals by participating in cleanups to help remove trash from the beach. Doing so will also stop more trash from entering the oceans, reducing the chances that a turtle may become trapped or eat it. Many local groups organize such cleanups year-round, or you can organize a beach clean-up day with some friends. Cleaning up the beach may also help make that locations habitable for turtles again. After a 2-year beach cleanup in Miami that removed over 11 million pounds of trash from the environment, olive ridley turtle hatchlings were spotted making their way from the nest to the ocean, which had not occurred in decades. Previously, the turtles had been able to lay eggs on the beach but could not maneuver in the trash. Replace Disposable Plastic With Reusable Items Plastic bag at sea. These can be dangerous to sea turtles who mistake them for food, such as jellyfish. _548901005677/Moment Open/Getty Images You can help prevent trash from ever entering the ocean in the first place by recycling and reducing the amount of trash that you create. For some items, consider using their reusable counterparts, like shopping bags and water bottles to reduce your chances of polluting the beach. Plastic bags are especially troublesome, as sea turtles can mistake them for their favorite snack: jellyfish. You can also avoid other single-use items, like balloons during a birthday beach bash, which will likely end up in the ocean where they will be eaten by turtles and other wildlife. Keep Beaches Dark at Night WWF volunteers coax released baby green turtles that were found at a nest site the day before, to the waters edge with lights at Acyatan Beach on August 23, 2018 in Adana, Turkey. Chris McGrath / Getty Images Nesting turtles and hatchlings use the moons natural lighting as a guide. Instinctively, they follow the brightest direction to find their way to the water, but if they are disoriented by artificial lighting, they may wander inland and die of dehydration or predation. Avoid all forms of artificial light while at the beach at night, including flashlights, flash photography, video cameras, and fires on nesting beaches. If you do need lighting, try to avoid directly illuminating the beach, using a shade to minimize the amount of light shining in the area. If staying at a beachfront property, be sure to turn off all lights at night. If you do see disoriented baby turtles at night, do not take it upon yourself to move the turtles. Contact a nature conservancy organization or local authorities. Be Careful When Boating and Fishing A moving boat can seriously injure or kill a turtle, so stay alert if you are boating in the ocean. If you spot sea turtles in the water, stay at least 50 yards away. If they are close to your boat, put your engine on neutral or turn it off until the turtles swim away. Change your fishing location if you spot sea turtles nearby or they show interest in your bait. And remember to collect all of your fishing gear and supplies once youre done, especially fishing line, hooks, and nets. Don’t Disturb the Turtles An NPS volunteer helps Kemps ridley sea turtle hatchlings reach the water at South Padre Island National Seashore. Who knew volunteering could be so adorable?.  © qnr via Flickr Never pick up a hatchling. Though it may be tempting, doing so may frighten or disorient them. If you do want to watch one, attend a sea turtle watch hosted by an organization, which would allow you to observe the sea turtles without disturbing them. Do not catch a baby turtle in an aquarium or bucket of water. This will use up the energy they need to swim to the ocean after they emerge from their nest. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Global warming can skew the gender ratios of sea turtles, as well as the distribution of predators and prey. Although climate change might seem like too big an issue to tackle, there are many steps you can personally take to reduce global warming. Adopt a Sea Turtle Support sea turtle conservation efforts by â€Å"adopting a sea turtle† or making a donation to a wildlife conservation program that monitors and helps satellite-tracked turtles. You can also â€Å"adopt a nest† during nesting season. Avoid Beach Activities at Night Try to avoid walking on the beach at night during the summer, as this may frighten nesting turtles back into the sea. To help make it easier for turtles to navigate the beach, you can also remove beach furniture and other equipment from the beach before the nighttime, as turtles may become caught in them or become disoriented. Help Spread Awareness There are many ways you can help make a positive change for sea turtles. One main way is through education. You can help educate your local neighborhood or school by giving presentations, and tell people about the cause during conversations. Sources â€Å"Adoption Programs.†,,â€Å"Endangered Ocean: Sea Turtles.† Ocean Today, National Ocean Service,â€Å"Information About Sea Turtles, Their Habitats and Threats to Their Survival.†, Sea Turtle Conservancy,â€Å"Ways to Help.† Ways to Help the Sea Turtles, Nova Southeastern University,â€Å"What Can You Do to Save Sea Turtles?† NOAA Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 6 June 2016,â€Å"What Is the Difference Between Endangered and Threatened?† Wolf - Western Great Lakes, U.S. Fish Wildlife Service, Mar. 2003,

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Self leadership Personal Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Self leadership Personal Portfolio - Essay Example Hence, it can be affirmed that self-leadership skills are essential to judge the personal potentialities and strengths (Centre of Creative Leadership, 2012). This assignment offers an in-depth analysis and examination of my personal and professional aptitudes and talents with the help of a comprehensive approach along with personal manifestation on the ideas discussed in this topic. The paper highlights the essentialities of soft skills of an individual in the working environment along with detailed assessment through the available literatures on self-leadership skills and personal abilities through a 360 degree feedback. This analysis would facilitate me to identify my personal strengths and weaknesses thereby offering the opportunity of any specific changes if required so as to accomplish the personal goals in a more efficient and effective manner. This would enhance my future growth prospects. 2.0 Self-Leadership Skills Literature Overview Amer (2008) focuses highly on the soft sk ills as these are solely responsible for the future growth and the prospects of an individual. It is defined as the feelings and the behaviors that relate to the decisive thinking, problem solving, communication, association and presentation skills that help an individual to sustain in an organization for the long run. Soft skill is a sociological phrase related with the character traits, social elegance, language, personal habits, affability, and buoyancy that portrays the relationships with other individuals (Amer, 2008). Carmeli, Meitar, Weisberg (2006) also highlights that soft skills mainly balance the hard skills which are required for fulfilling occupational demands along with other activities (Carmeli, Meitar, Weisberg, 2006). Hence, it can be avowed that soft skills are responsible for the success of individuals in the workplaces as well as in their careers. According to Rao (2010), soft skills are mainly inherent qualities of an individual which can be improved or enhanced only through high level of devotion, motivation and commitment. Along with this, self awareness also plays an important part for the enhancement of soft skills of an individual. Thus, self–awareness helps to predict the internal strengths and weaknesses of an individual which might be beneficial for the augmentation of self-leadership talents. Hence, the self-leadership ability marks the success of an individual in the long run (Rao, 2010). Bommelije (2009) reveals that soft skills are vital characteristics of life which is essential for success. Most imperative and key soft skills that an individual should contain are tactical understanding, proper decision making ability, team behavior, providing inspiration to employees, communication power, intelligent skills, managerial dynamics, coordination, cooperation, enthusiasm to drive a group, implementation of various ideas, elasticity and capability to handle stresses and risks among others. Hence, it can be clearly affirmed t hat soft skills are also equally important for an individual as it helps to enhance productivity and quality of work thereby augmenting the profitability of organization (Bommelije, 2009). Moreover, soft skills

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Any historic event before 1877 Research Proposal

Any historic event before 1877 - Research Proposal Example Everybody, at least lost a person during the war, either through death or through separation. For instance, Abraham Lincoln’s brother-in-laws served in the opposing side, the â€Å"South† (Butler, Grant & Randall 233). However, the South had more deaths as its war force was small. This put the â€Å"North† on an advantageous position and the triumphed over the â€Å"South† as slavery was abolished and the infrastructure of the â€Å"South† was destroyed (Fletcher 122). The end of the war marked a novel initiative of national unity restoration and guarantying the civil rights of the freed slaves. However, it is disgusting that the contemporary Americans have not embraced the beneficial values, which were the outcome of the war. The social and economic disparities between the South and the North played a key role in stirring the war. The advent of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney, in 1793, made the production of cotton a very profitable business since the machine significantly reduced the time taken to separate the cotton form the seeds. As such, the South turned to the cotton plantation to take advantage of the benefits it brought, something that needed more cheap labor. To the end, the South adopted slavery as the main economic factor. In contravention, the North was industrialized and often bought the raw cotton and turned it into finished goods. Here, people of different classes and races works together as opposed to the south that had an antiquated social culture (Calore 10). These disparities gave rise to the Civil war as the North was for the idea that civil human rights should be spread to everybody and not the majority only, as the South practiced. Severally, the South tried to nullify the constitutio n but their efforts were futile and hence they opted for withdrawal, since they felt that they were not respected anymore (Mountjoy